Become a sponsor
Massillon Youth Sports Association only source of income is registration fees from participants, fundraisers and sponsors. We need all three to run successful programs for our youth. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor please email us at massillonyouthsports@gmail.com or complete the form below.
Sports Sponsor Options:
Option # 1 (Spring/Fall Baseball) $300
∙ 4ft X 6ft Banner facing route 241 in Massillon
∙ April 1 – December 1
∙ Covers complete Spring & Fall Baseball Seasons
Option # 2 (Basketball) $300
∙ 4ft X 6ft Banner displayed in Massillon High School Gymnasium
∙ November 1 – June 1
Options # 3 (Spring/Fall Soccer) $250
∙ 4ft X 4ft Banner along fence at MYSA Soccer Complex
∙ April 1 – December 1
∙ Covers complete Spring and Fall Soccer Seasons
Option # 4 (Track/Cross Country) $200
∙ 4ft X 4ft Banner along fence at Massillon Middle School Facility during meets.
∙ During Meets Only, April 15 – November 1
Option # 5 (Any Sport) $200
∙ 4ft X 4ft Banner that travels with the sport that you select
∙ During that sports season.
Option # 6 (Website Advertisement) $200
∙ Website advertisement on two of our websites for one year from purchase: www.massillonyouthsports.com, www.massillonyouthbasketball.com
Option # 7 (Add to banner sponsor) $100
∙ Add a website advertisement to a banner sponsorship, advertisement will be located on two of our websites for one year from purchase: www.massillonyouthsports.com, www.massillonyouthbasketball.com. You must do a banner sponsor to use this option.
Thanks to our current sponsors!