Interested in becomming a MYSA Youth Sport Coach? Please complete this form:
Current MYSA Youth Sports Coaches Required Training/Background Check Information

Dear Coaches,

In our continuing efforts to provide a positive, safe and fun environment for young athletes, Massillon
Youth Sports Association is proud to implement the NAYS Coach Training & Membership program with
background checks for coaches.

The NAYS Coach Training will provide our coaches with training on important general and sport-specific
coaching topics. After completing the training, your NAYS membership will be in effect. Membership
includes an ID card, $1,000,000 limited liability insurance policy, access to members-only resources, plus
additional free training certificates.

There is no cost to you.

To authorize your background check and complete the NAYS Coach Training registration, please sign up for the NAYS Coach Training at Be sure to choose MASSILLON YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATION as your NAYS Member Organization. After doing this please refer to the instructions below for completing your training and background check.

Instructions for Required Trainings & Background Check

To authorize your background check and complete the NAYS Coach Training registration, please sign up for the NAYS Coach Training at Be sure to choose MASSILLON YOUTH SPORTS ASSOCIATION as your NAYS Member Organization.

Instructions for signing up for the NAYS Coach Training:
• Go to the NAYS homepage at
• Click SIGN UP – Located on the upper right-hand corner of the NAYS homepage.
• On the following page (log in hub) locate the red COACH box and click JOIN NOW!
• Take a moment to review the How It Works page and then click GET STARTED.
Note: The membership fee is paid by your local NAYS Member Organization.
• Step 1: Select a sport. (IF YOUR SPORT IS NOT LISTED PLEASE SELECT ONE THAT IS AVAILBALE, you will have to complete this and will receive your sport specific training at another time) Pick one that you enjoy.
• Step 2: Enter the required information on the Contact Information page.
• Step 3: Search for your NAYS Member Organization by name or zip code. Massillon Youth Sports Association or 44648, 44646, 44647.

• Step 4: Review the cost. Your organization will be paying for your registration.
• Step 5: Your payment information will not be required because your organization is paying.
• Step 6: Review all information is correct, go back if needed. Select Complete Registration.

Once you have registered:
Click Continue to Training Portal on the Thank You page to begin the online training or you may return later by logging in at with the email and password used during the registration process.
1. Next to the Coaching Youth Sports click Go to training. Click Get Started then watch all video sections.
2. Answer the 15 review questions. You will receive your results with an opportunity to correct your answers.
3. Read and acknowledge Coaches Code of Ethics.
4. Once back at the Training History page, next to the sport you registered for click Go to training.
5. Complete all sections of the sport specific training.
6. Answer the 10 review questions. You will receive your results with an opportunity to correct any incorrect answers.

Additional Training Requirements: These must be added and completed prior to coaching:

After you are assigned a NAYS Member ID, you must complete the Concussion Training and the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training. Add these trainings from the left-hand menu of your NAYS Training portal.

If you have questions please email

MYSA Code of Ethics / Coaching Rules of Conduct

I understand that my responsibilities as a youth coach are of great importance and that my actions have the potential to significantly influence the young athletes I coach. Therefore, I promise to uphold the following rights of young athletes to the best of my ability.

  1. Right to participate in sports.
  2. Right to participate at a level commensurate with each child’s maturity and ability.
  3. Right to have qualified adult leadership
  4. Right to play as a child and not as an adult
  5. Right of children to share in the leadership and decision-making of their sport participation
  6. Right to participate in safe and healthy environments
  7. Right to proper preparation for participation in sports
  8. Right to an equal opportunity to strive for success
  9. Right to be treated with dignity
  10. Right to have fun in sports

I also promise to conduct myself in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Coaches as given below.

 I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports event.

  1. I will place the emotional and physical well-being of all participants ahead of a personal desire to win.
  2. I will treat each athlete, opposing coach, official, parent, and administrator with dignity and respect.
  3. I will do my best to learn the rules, fundamental skills, teaching and evaluation techniques, and strategies of my sport.
  4. I will treat each player as an individual and with respect.
  5. I will provide a safe playing situation for all players by emphasizing fundamentals, techniques, proper skills and sportsmanship.
  6. I will provide an environment that will be free of alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and profanity.
  7. I will respect opposing coaches and players.
  8. I will be responsible for the actions of my team’s coaches, players, and spectators.
  9. I will uphold the authority of officials who are assigned to the contests in which I coach, and I will assist them in every way to conduct fair and impartial competitive contests.
  10. I will learn the strengths and weaknesses of my athletes so that I might place them in situations where they have a maximum opportunity to achieve success.
  11. I will conduct my practices and contests so that all athletes have an opportunity to improve their skill level through active participation.
  12. I will effectively communicate with my athletes and their parents regarding practice, game time and location, pictures, or any other MYSA event.
  13. I will remember that the game is for YOUTH – not for adults.
  14. I will teach all participants to treat other players, coaches, fans, officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
  15. I will cooperate with the administrator of our organization in the enforcement of rules and regulations and in the evaluation process for coaches, and I will report any irregularities that violate sound competitive practices.
  16. I understand that I must wait until all participants are gone or all participants’ parents or guardians are present before I leave a practice.
  17. I understand that MYSA advises coaches not to transport other participants with the exception of family members and that MYSA cannot and will not be held responsible for any actions that occur during the transportation of participants to and from practices, games, and other MYSA events.
  18. When coaching I will wear appropriate clothes, i.e. given shirt by MYSA or Massillon shirt and jeans, khaki’s, athletic shorts or athletic pants. No inappropriate clothing, or sagging is to be permitted during MYSA events. Look like a coach!!

I understand that unsportsmanlike behavior can lead to my suspension from and possible forfeiture of a game. I understand that violating the Rule of Conduct may also lead to my suspension. I understand that in these instances I may be required to appear before MYSA league directors to explain my actions and the directors of MYSA may take whatever action it deems necessary.

MYSA General Facility Policies

The following policies are in effect for all games, matches, meets, practices & events that involve MYSA unless otherwise posted on individual sport pages or at facilities. 


  • No Smoking or Vaping of any kind
  • No Drugs or Alcohol of any kind
  • No weapons, this includes knives & firearms
  • No Pets and Dogs (service animals only with proper paperwork required)

Failure to adhere to the above policy will result in you being asked to leave the premises. If you fail to leave law enforcement will be contacted and the current game, match, meet, practice and or event will be stopped until they arrive or you leave the premises. There are no exceptions to this policy.